Overall I have enjoyed blogging everything we have created and done throughout the year. It has defiantly been a struggle at times writing everything down and remembering the things people have said to us but it has been fun.
I think my favourite thing of all about this year has got to be creating our product and editing it, it brought my group closer and we worked so well as a group, I am proud of what we have created and can not wait to see what year 13 has got in for us.
Monday, 17 April 2017
Sunday, 16 April 2017
47 Question 7 Explanation
Within question 7 I have made a bullet pointed list of the mistakes within our preliminary task and then compared it with our final product which we have previously created and the improvements with how far we have come in media.
Saturday, 15 April 2017
46 Evaluation Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Issues with our preliminary task:
- Continuity issues- zooming out into a mid shot(0:14- 0:16)
- sound cut offs- TV background music disappears for a few seconds(0:11-0:15)
- No titles involved throughout the task.
- Poor camera work- Some shaking shots near to the end of the task.
- No props involved
'Persistence', Examples of improvement
- Titles now included, with Idents added. (0:00- 2:17)
- No more sound cuts, everything runs smoothly.
- Editing now included(1:08- 1:11) (1:17-1:19) (1:21-1:23) etc..
- No shaking shots unless for effect(1:41-1:44)
- Props involved. Phone-(0:50-0:57). Rope-(1:22-1:27)
Skills we have improved on:
- In our preliminary task it was our first time understanding shot types and camera work, throughout doing the main task we have developed more skills to do with camera shots and we now have more of an understanding of how to stick to using the shots we had originally said we would use.
- I have also improved skills with the amount of documents I have had to use such as creating storyboards, scripts. From us creating these documents it meant we could be more organised when it came to filming. Before we went out to shoot our film, we already had the ideas we had put down on paper therefore making it easier to stick to what we have said due to making our storyboard first.
- Throughout our preliminary task there was not much use of camera shots hence this is why I feel this lead to a poorer film, whereas in our main task there are a wider variety of shots such as close ups. pan shots, shot reverse shots, low and high angle shots.
Friday, 14 April 2017
45 Question 6 Explanation
When doing question 6 I have included images of the different technology we used when creating our product with then an explanation on how I found it when using the technology or software and how we used it.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
44 Evaluation Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Technology we used:
To complete our media product, we had to use a Apple IMac and a range of software's to put the
product together. Due to this being my first time studying media, this was also my first time using an Apple IMac computer, I have used the software's before on my IPad and IPhone but the way I used the IMac was completely different, I had previously been using windows software.
When it came to using the IMac I found it difficult at first using it differently to how I would with windows software but after a while of using it, it became familiar.

To film our media product we used an IPhone SE. We filmed our product on normal video camera in separate shots we then transferred all our separate shots onto the Apple IMac by using a USB Cable.
Once we had transferred all of our separate shots of our product onto the Apple IMac we then added each shot into Final Cut Pro. This was my first time trying to use this software, at the beginning when we was testing all the tools and trying them out I found it hard and confusing but as the weeks went on and we was using it more and more I became more confident with putting each shot in, joining it up to all the other shots. Cutting and slicing the shots and then using the editing tools to edit our product.
When it came to editing our product on the Apple IMac at the beginning I found it quite difficult but after going through different effects, adding and deleting them it was going ok. I think the hardest part of the editing process when it came to using the Apple IMac and Final Cut Pro was creating the Idents, I think this because there was so much to edit and include within the Idents.
Technology we used:
- Apple IMac
- IPhone SE
- Final Cut Pro

product together. Due to this being my first time studying media, this was also my first time using an Apple IMac computer, I have used the software's before on my IPad and IPhone but the way I used the IMac was completely different, I had previously been using windows software.
When it came to using the IMac I found it difficult at first using it differently to how I would with windows software but after a while of using it, it became familiar.

To film our media product we used an IPhone SE. We filmed our product on normal video camera in separate shots we then transferred all our separate shots onto the Apple IMac by using a USB Cable.
Once we had transferred all of our separate shots of our product onto the Apple IMac we then added each shot into Final Cut Pro. This was my first time trying to use this software, at the beginning when we was testing all the tools and trying them out I found it hard and confusing but as the weeks went on and we was using it more and more I became more confident with putting each shot in, joining it up to all the other shots. Cutting and slicing the shots and then using the editing tools to edit our product.
When it came to editing our product on the Apple IMac at the beginning I found it quite difficult but after going through different effects, adding and deleting them it was going ok. I think the hardest part of the editing process when it came to using the Apple IMac and Final Cut Pro was creating the Idents, I think this because there was so much to edit and include within the Idents.
Monday, 10 April 2017
43 Question 5 Explanation
Within question 5 I have took screenshots of our product and explained underneath each one how we attracted our audience.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
42 Evaluation Question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?
This screenshot above shows an establishing shot of the location we used, this empty environment would appeal to those who love exploring the mystery in the location. This is contrasting with the ordinary atmosphere when she is in her house, This would appeal to our target audience as it represents their behaviour in life, going from a teenager who lies in bed watching tv to then going out and meeting friends and doing what they would like without parents being around.

This screenshot above shows a mid shot of the young girl character tied up against a tree with low key lighting, this would appeal to an audience who are interested in psychological thrillers as it contains mystery and the psychological side to it enhancing it with the ropes she is tied in.
Our main character is a teenage girl, this would attract that sort of audience as they feel they could relate to the protagonist and the situation she has got into, where she does not know what to do because she is in danger.
Within our product the teenage girl receives a threatening text message from an unknown person, this brings mystery and suspense to the product as the young girl has no idea what is going on. When carrying out our survey monkey we asked ' what is the most exciting thing about a thriller?' 70% of the people we asked said the storyline which brings suspense, from taking that advice that is what we included.
At the end of our product we use some editing skills we have previously learnt using final cut pro, we colour corrected the teenagers face to make her eyes stand out and to make her face more pale to emphasis the loneliness and the fear in her eyes and through her facial expressions.
Our main character is a teenage girl, this would attract that sort of audience as they feel they could relate to the protagonist and the situation she has got into, where she does not know what to do because she is in danger.
Within our product the teenage girl receives a threatening text message from an unknown person, this brings mystery and suspense to the product as the young girl has no idea what is going on. When carrying out our survey monkey we asked ' what is the most exciting thing about a thriller?' 70% of the people we asked said the storyline which brings suspense, from taking that advice that is what we included.
At the end of our product we use some editing skills we have previously learnt using final cut pro, we colour corrected the teenagers face to make her eyes stand out and to make her face more pale to emphasis the loneliness and the fear in her eyes and through her facial expressions.
Sunday, 2 April 2017
41 Question 4 Explanation
Within question 4 I have researched a lot of age certification and wrote a little bit about each as well as stating the age certification of our product we have created
Saturday, 1 April 2017
Thursday, 30 March 2017
39 Question 3 Explanation
Within question 3 I have researched different institutions who I thought would distribute our product.
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
38 Evaluation Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
What is a media institution?
A media institution is any organisations responsible for the production, marketing, distribution or regulation of media texts.
What's a film distribution?
A film distribution is the process of launching a film into the marketplace and then sustaining it to the public's interest.
Distribution involves selling the film to the cinema, selling DVD copies to stores, selling television broadcast rights to the film marketing the film through posters, trailers or film festivals.
New Line cinema
Produce films such as Se7en and Lord Of the Rings. These films are in the thriller genre which could mean New Line cinema focuses on the thriller genre for their films.
Legendary Pictures
Legendary have distributed films such as Pacific Rim and Inception. I think they would distribute our product because like the film Inception they want to make the audience think about what is going on in the film and that is exactly what our product does, our product gives a sense of unease and mystery.
Paramount Pictures
Paramount have distributed films such as the new recent film in the cinemas which is Ghost in a shell, Silence and Rings. I think this company would distribute our product because like the film ghost in a shell their is mystery and tense parts within the film which is what our product is aiming to do. Also Paramount pictures are a big institution company which would help sell our product.
What is a media institution?
A media institution is any organisations responsible for the production, marketing, distribution or regulation of media texts.
What's a film distribution?
A film distribution is the process of launching a film into the marketplace and then sustaining it to the public's interest.
Distribution involves selling the film to the cinema, selling DVD copies to stores, selling television broadcast rights to the film marketing the film through posters, trailers or film festivals.
New Line cinema
Produce films such as Se7en and Lord Of the Rings. These films are in the thriller genre which could mean New Line cinema focuses on the thriller genre for their films.
Legendary Pictures
Legendary have distributed films such as Pacific Rim and Inception. I think they would distribute our product because like the film Inception they want to make the audience think about what is going on in the film and that is exactly what our product does, our product gives a sense of unease and mystery.
Paramount Pictures
Paramount have distributed films such as the new recent film in the cinemas which is Ghost in a shell, Silence and Rings. I think this company would distribute our product because like the film ghost in a shell their is mystery and tense parts within the film which is what our product is aiming to do. Also Paramount pictures are a big institution company which would help sell our product.
Friday, 3 March 2017
37 Question 2 Explanation
Within question 2 of my evaluation I have choose some photos from our media product and described who our product is aimed at such as what social group we have choose
36 Evaluation Question 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media production represents:
Our media product; Persistence is representing the social group of young teenage females.
Within the media teenage girls are stereo typically represented as weak and mean with a horrible personality. In our product we have created it not only challenges the dominant values in society but also reinforces them. This is because the two female characters in our product aren't mean and arrogant but they are presented as weak and vulnerable.
Above, I have took photos from our media product to give more of an idea of how females are
shown in many different existing products.
In our media product we presented females as being scared, weak and being the damsel in distress, these are the main stereotypes that females are represented as in other existing products.
Within our cinematography and editing we tried to reinforce the idea that young females our vulnerable and fragile. We did this by using high angle shots to make the character look small, weak and vulnerable
We have aimed our product at teenage girls the reason for this was because the two main characters involved in the film are teenage girls, it could also be aimed at the male social group if they were interested psychological thrillers, the age could change but I think our product is aimed at the younger generation just because the actors who play the roles are teenagers
We decided to dress the main characters in casual clothes to emphasis the fact that she was just a normal teenage girl which she mentions in the dialogue voice over at the beginning of our product.
35 Question 1 Explanation
Within question 1 I have created different grids which include comparisons of our product and existing products on how our media product develops conventions in a thriller films.
Friday, 6 January 2017
34 Evaluation Question 1
In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our Product Existing Products
Idents/ Titles
In this case we made our Idents and titles in normal font everyone uses, this connotes the two girls characters as being normal who are getting on with their every day life until the event happens. The blackground in both our product and the existing product bring suspense as you are not sure what to expect. White and red coloured text are the most common when it comes to the conventions.
At the beginning of a lot of thrillers the setting is calm and natural, this is to set a warm feeling that nothing is going to go wrong. This is what we wanted our target audience to think, we wanted our character in her home doing the things she would do in every day life, in this case it was making cereal so then when it switched to her lying on the ground all alone it was a big contrast which shocked the audience as they did not see that coming.
Both characters costumes
We decided to dress both characters in clothes they would normally wear, the white top the character is wearing above represents her purity as she is a normal teenage girl who is not expecting what lies ahead.

Within the thriller category of conventions there are uses of props to emphasise the event which is occurring. We decided to use a phone and rope as this emphasises mystery as we do not know what is happening at that moment to both of the girls.
In keeping with our conventions, we felt that to film during when the sun is setting and the lighting is darkening is one way in keeping our target audience interested as the scene is becoming more mysterious as the young female character is struggling to find her way to find her friend who is missing. As you can see when comparing both photos within lighting we have took ideas from that as theirs is also low key lighting.
Our Product Existing Products
Idents/ Titles

Mis en scene

Both characters costumes
We decided to dress both characters in clothes they would normally wear, the white top the character is wearing above represents her purity as she is a normal teenage girl who is not expecting what lies ahead.

When researching the conventions of a thriller there was a big use of the woods, with the use of low key lighting we made our thriller bring a chill feeling to the audience as you could partially see where the character was heading. The woods is a scary place when you think of thrillers and that is what we wanted our target audience to think.


Tuesday, 3 January 2017
33 time lapse of blogging process
This is a quick six second video of the myself creating the photographic storyboard. I will carry on doing short clips of myself creating these blogs.
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