In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our Product Existing Products
Idents/ Titles

In this case we made our Idents and titles in normal font everyone uses, this connotes the two girls characters as being normal who are getting on with their every day life until the event happens. The blackground in both our product and the existing product bring suspense as you are not sure what to expect. White and red coloured text are the most common when it comes to the conventions.
Mis en scene

At the beginning of a lot of thrillers the setting is calm and natural, this is to set a warm feeling that nothing is going to go wrong. This is what we wanted our target audience to think, we wanted our character in her home doing the things she would do in every day life, in this case it was making cereal so then when it switched to her lying on the ground all alone it was a big contrast which shocked the audience as they did not see that coming.
Both characters costumes
We decided to dress both characters in clothes they would normally wear, the white top the character is wearing above represents her purity as she is a normal teenage girl who is not expecting what lies ahead.
When researching the conventions of a thriller there was a big use of the woods, with the use of low key lighting we made our thriller bring a chill feeling to the audience as you could partially see where the character was heading. The woods is a scary place when you think of thrillers and that is what we wanted our target audience to think.

Within the thriller category of conventions there are uses of props to emphasise the event which is occurring. We decided to use a phone and rope as this emphasises mystery as we do not know what is happening at that moment to both of the girls.

In keeping with our conventions, we felt that to film during when the sun is setting and the lighting is darkening is one way in keeping our target audience interested as the scene is becoming more mysterious as the young female character is struggling to find her way to find her friend who is missing. As you can see when comparing both photos within lighting we have took ideas from that as theirs is also low key lighting.